English for Specific Purposes
- Fashion English and Design
Fashion English and Design has been developed specifically for people working in, or preparing to...
₴16,999.00₴8,399.00 - English for Showbiz
Що робить мої курси унікальними? Інтегрований підхід: Це не просто вивчення англійської, а взаємопов’язане викладання...
₴16,999.00₴8,399.00 - IT and Business English
IT and Business English Course is intended for anyone who wishes to improve their practical language...
₴16,999.00₴8,399.00 - English For the Hotel and Catering Industry
This course will teach you the necessary English language skills for use in the hotel...
₴16,999.00₴8,399.00 - English in Medicine
This course would be aimed at doctors and medical students who have completed at least...